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Excel Creating Formulas

In cell C5 enter the number 20, now in cell E5 type the formula: =C5+5 then press the Enter key. You will get the result. The formula says 5 is added to the value entered in the cell C5 as the value is 20 the result is 25. See the image:

Formula in Excel 1

In a similar way other formulas can be created:

=C2*5 for multiplication, the value in the cell C2 is multiplied with 5.

=C2-5 for subtraction, 5 is subtracted from the value in the cell C2.

More formulas can be created by typing = in the cell then selecting the appropriate values and typing correct mathematical symbol in between.

See the formula created to calculate the distance in the image given below:

Formula in Excel 2

See the formula created to calculate the phone bill in the image given below:

Formula in Excel 3