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HIVE InstallationStep 1: The JAVA and Hadoop must be preinstalled on your system. Step 2: For Hive Download Hive from http://apache.petsads.us/hive/hive-0.14.0/. It gets downloaded in /user/download folder. Check for the files If the download is successful you will find the below file by typing ls command.Unzip it Copy File Copy the file to /usr/local/hive directory with root user Environment for Hive Add the below line in ./bashrc file Now run the ./bashrc file to reflect those changes. Configuring Hive For Configuring Hive hive-env.sh is edited. This file is present in HIVE_HOME/conf. Add the below line to hive-env.sh. Step 3:Derby Database Hive uses external Database server to configure Metastore. Now Download and install Apache Derby Follow the steps given below to download and install Apache Derby. Downloading Apache Derby: The following command is used to download Apache Derby. It takes some time to download. Unzip it: Copy File: Move file to /usr/local/derby directory Set up the enironment Add the below line to ./bashrc file To reflect the changes type Create a directory to store Metastore Create a directory named data in $DERBY_HOME directory to store Metastore data. Step 4:Configuring Metastore of Hive Edit hive-site.xml and append the following lines between the <configuration> and </configuration> tags: Create a file named jpox.properties and add the following lines into it: Step 5:Verify Hive Installation Create the /tmp folder and a separate Hive folder in HDFS. Here, we use the /user/hive/warehouse folder. You need to set write permission for these newly created folders as shown below: Set them in HDFS using the following commands: The following commands are used to verify Hive installation:
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