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Weight Loss ExercisesOptimum body weight is a sign of fitness and health. As we grow our body weight increases. And, to grow healthy the increase in body weight must be in proportion to our growth or height. If it does not happen then either we will be counted among the underweight or overweight. Exercises play an important role in acquiring or maintaining healthy body weight. Exercises must be a part of our daily-routine else we can't understand the meaning of health. And, when it comes to get in shape by losing excessive body fat, there is no substitute of exercises. There are number of exercises and practices to lose weight. Don't worry! You don't need to find out which ones are good for you. We have shortlisted the effective ones and listed below for you. 1) WalkingWhenever, we are walking we are exercising. It means walking not only help us move or travel but in itself it is a wonderful exercise. It can be practiced anytime without needing any tool. We also don't need any special place and gym or club membership. You can walk on lawn, garden, stadium and at sea beaches, results will be the same. It is the easiest exercise that can be practiced by any age-group without getting injured. According to experts, a 45-minute walk burns 220-350 calories. And, if you want quick results, you can increase the pace of walking. The faster you walk the more calories you burn. ![]() 2) SwimmingJust like walking, swimming is also an easy and smart way to lose extra weight. There are plenty of styles in swimming, you can practice anyone according to your body type and comfort level. You can swim slow, fast or simply have fun in water with your friends or family. In each case, you burn calories and progress towards fit and healthy body. And, if you can't wait for long, want immediate results then just increase the duration and pace of swimming. This way, you can burn 350-650 calories in an hour. Our body experiences 12 times more resistance in water than in air that help burn more calories. ![]() 3) CyclingCycling is a memorable part of everyone's childhood. It seems to be the only vehicle that in itself is a great work out tool. You will be surprised to know that through cycling one can burn 400-1000 calories in an hour. It also tones your leg muscles and is quite easy on joints. Include it in your daily routine like if your office is few kilometers from your residence then instead of any other vehicle you must prefer cycle to reach office. You also don't need any trainer or specific track for cycling. Just don't miss cycling even a single day for better results. ![]() 4) RunningRunners are always fit and healthy as running is a part of their life. As long as you are engaged in running you stay in shape. It is a high-impact exercise that burns more calories in less time. You can easily burn around 700 calories in an hour. Also, running has been a part of our childhood, we know how to run, and don't need any skills or training for this wonderful work out option. Running keeps your metabolism high even after you are done with it. So not only while running but even after running while you are resting, calories are burning. ![]() 5) Jumping RopeJumping rope is a fun-filled physical activity. Definitely, you must have practiced or tried it in your life. It is counted among the most popular and effective weight loss exercises. It is also an intense physical activity. An hour of skipping can burn around 800 calories. So you can burn significant calories even in short duration, 20-30 minutes, by rope jumping. If you are new to skipping then start with 5-10 minutes of rope jumping. And, slowly increase the duration if want to lose weight fast. ![]() 6) Aerobic ExercisesAerobic exercise is a rhythmic physical activity which is an ideal way to burn more calories than one consumes. It is an intense workout option that increases heart rate as well as the supply of oxygen and blood to different body parts. Through aerobic exercises one can burn 300-500 calories in an hour. And, if you are looking for greater weight loss in less time, you can increase its intensity and duration. It can be practiced at home, club or a gym. If you are a beginner, you can easily get an aerobic DVD from the market. ![]() 7) Weight TrainingWeight training is a smart way to lose weight along with building muscles. It not only increases your metabolism but also keeps it increased for the next 48 hours. Means, you are burning calories even while lying on bed or watching television. The newly developed muscles keep burning calories stored in the fat. So the more muscles you build the faster you can burn the fat to lose weight fast. ![]() 8) Body SquatsBody squats are part of our daily-routine. Whenever, we bow down to pick up something from floor, or sit on and get off from the chair, we are simply doing the squats. And, when it comes to weigh-loss squats are really effective. Like other strength training, squat not only burns calories but also increases muscle mass, in lower body areas. The more muscles we have, the faster will be the metabolism and more calories will be burned. Experts say that with body squats one can lose up to 5 kgs in a month. You can start with 2 sets of 20 repetitions and slowly can increase the number to lose weight fast. ![]() 9) Jumping JacksEveryone must be aware of this exercise as it is a memorable childhood activity. It is easy to perform, requires no special tool or technique and can be practiced at any place. It improves blood supply to different muscles groups that improves metabolism. An active metabolism burns more calories even after the workout. Its popularity as a weight loss exercises is increasing day by day. With a 30-minute Jumping Jack workout one can burn 150-200 calories. Its intensity and duration can be increased for fast weight loss. ![]() 10) PlankPlanks are very effective to lose weight, especially by reducing belly fat. There are many types of plank exercises such as front plank, side plank and crawling plank. In each type, you are supposed to hold the position for around 30-minutes. You don't need any prop for this and it can be easily performed at home. It stretches and strengthens the abdominal muscles that improves metabolism. The increased abdominal muscles' mass and metabolism burns fat at higher rate. One can burn around 100 calories by plank work out in 30 minutes. For fast weight loss side plank and crawling plank are recommended. ![]() ![]()
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