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SQL TutorialSQL tutorial provides basic and advanced concepts of SQL. Our SQL tutorial is designed for beginners and professionals. SQL (Structured Query Language) is used to perform operations on the records stored in database such as updating records, deleting records, creating and modifying tables, views etc.SQL is just a query language, it is not a database. To perform SQL queries, you need to install any database for example Oracle, MySQL, MongoDB, PostGre SQL, SQL Server, DB2 etc. SQL DATABASESQL CREATE, DROP and RENAME DATABASE SQL TABLESQL CREATE, DROP, DELETE, RENAME, TRUNCATE and COPY TABLE SQL SELECTSQL SELECT statement with UNIQUE, DISTINCT, AS and IN keywords and first(), last(), top(), sum(), random() and count() functions. SQL INSERTSQL INSERT INTO, INSERT SELECT and INSERT multiple rows. SQL UPDATESQL UPDATE statement, update with JOIN and update DATE. SQL DELETESQL DELETE TABLE, DELETE One Row, DELETE all rows, DELETE VIEW, DELETE database, DELETE duplicate rows and DELETE with INNER JOIN. SQL JOIN TutorialOur SQL join tutorial provides full detail of INNER JOIN, OUTER JOIN, LEFT OUTER JOIN, RIGHT OUTER JOIN and SELF JOIN. SQL KeysSQL keys are primary key, composite key, foreign key, alternate key and unique key. In SQL keys tutorial, we will provide description and examples of each key. SQL QUIZSQL Basics, CRUD and Miscellaneous quizzes.
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