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Bootstrap Progress BarThe progress bar shows how far a user is in a process. In Bootstrap, there are several types of progress bars. The class .progress within a <div> element is used to create a default progress bar in bootstrap. Bootstrap Progress Bar ExampleTest it NowBootstrap Progress bar with LabelThe progress bar with label specifies the percentage of progress of a specific process. You have to remove the .sr-only class from the progress bar to show a visible percentage. See this example: Test it NowBootstrap Colored Progress barYou can use contextual classes to create colored progress bar. The contextual classes that are used to create colored progress bar:
Bootstrap Stripped Progress barYou can create stripped progress bar by using class .progress-bar-striped . Test it NowBootstrap Animated progress barYou have to use class .active to create animated progress bar. Test it NowBootstrap Stacked Progress bar (Multi-colored progress bar)You can create stacked progress bar by placing multiple bars into the same <div class="progress"> Test it Now
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