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CSS Layout

CSS layout is easy to design. We can use CSS layout to design our web page such as home page, contact us, about us etc.

There are 3 ways to design layout of a web page:

  1. HTML Div with CSS: fast and widely used now.
  2. HTML Table: slow and less preferred.
  3. HTML Frameset: deprecated now.

A CSS layout can have header, footer, left pane, right pane and body part. Let's see a simple example of CSS layout.

CSS layout example

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Left Page

Body Page

Page Content goes here

Page Content goes here

Page Content goes here

Page Content goes here

Page Content goes here

Page Content goes here

Page Content goes here

Page Content goes here

Page Content goes here

Page Content goes here

Page Content goes here

Page Content goes here

Page Content goes here

Right Page


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