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Install Node.js on Linux/Ubuntu/CentOSWe can easily install Node.js on linux/ubuntu/centOS/fedora/linuxmint etc. To install Node.js on Linux (Ubuntu) operating system, follow these instructions: 1) Open Ubuntu Terminal (You can use shortcut keys (Ctrl+Alt+T). 2) Type command sudo apt-get install python-software-properties 3) Press Enter (If you have set a password for your system then it will ask for the password) 4) Type the password and press enter 5) Type command sudo apt-add-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js 6) Press Enter 7) Again Press Enter to continue 8) Type command sudo apt-get update ( Wait for sometime) 9) Type command sudo apt-get install nodejs npm 10) Type command sudo apt-get install nodejs Installation completed. Now you can check the version of Node by node --version Check the version of npm by npm -v Now you can check the node.js in your installed program list by typing this command dpkg --get-selections
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