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Python DictionaryDictionary is an unordered set of key and value pair. It is an container that contains data, enclosed within curly braces. The pair i.e., key and value is known as item. The key passed in the item must be unique. The key and the value is separated by a colon(:). This pair is known as item. Items are separated from each other by a comma(,). Different items are enclosed within a curly brace and this forms Dictionary. eg: data={100:'Ravi' ,101:'Vijay' ,102:'Rahul'} print data Output: >>> {100: 'Ravi', 101: 'Vijay', 102: 'Rahul'} >>> Dictionary is mutable i.e., value can be updated. Key must be unique and immutable. Value is accessed by key. Value can be updated while key cannot be changed. Dictionary is known as Associative array since the Key works as Index and they are decided by the user. eg: plant={} plant[1]='Ravi' plant[2]='Manoj' plant['name']='Hari' plant[4]='Om' print plant[2] print plant['name'] print plant[1] print plant Output: >>> Manoj Hari Ravi {1: 'Ravi', 2: 'Manoj', 4: 'Om', 'name': 'Hari'} >>> Accessing ValuesSince Index is not defined, a Dictionaries value can be accessed by their keys. Syntax:
Eg: data1={'Id':100, 'Name':'Suresh', 'Profession':'Developer'} data2={'Id':101, 'Name':'Ramesh', 'Profession':'Trainer'} print "Id of 1st employer is",data1['Id'] print "Id of 2nd employer is",data2['Id'] print "Name of 1st employer:",data1['Name'] print "Profession of 2nd employer:",data2['Profession'] Output: >>> Id of 1st employer is 100 Id of 2nd employer is 101 Name of 1st employer is Suresh Profession of 2nd employer is Trainer >>> UpdationThe item i.e., key-value pair can be updated. Updating means new item can be added. The values can be modified. Eg: data1={'Id':100, 'Name':'Suresh', 'Profession':'Developer'} data2={'Id':101, 'Name':'Ramesh', 'Profession':'Trainer'} data1['Profession']='Manager' data2['Salary']=20000 data1['Salary']=15000 print data1 print data2 Output: >>> {'Salary': 15000, 'Profession': 'Manager','Id': 100, 'Name': 'Suresh'} {'Salary': 20000, 'Profession': 'Trainer', 'Id': 101, 'Name': 'Ramesh'} >>> Deletiondel statement is used for performing deletion operation. An item can be deleted from a dictionary using the key. Syntax: del Whole of the dictionary can also be deleted using the del statement. Eg: data={100:'Ram', 101:'Suraj', 102:'Alok'} del data[102] print data del data print data #will show an error since dictionary is deleted. Output: >>> {100: 'Ram', 101: 'Suraj'} Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:/Python27/dict.py", line 5, in Functions and MethodsPython Dictionary supports the following Functions: Dictionary Functions:
Dictionary Methods:
Functions:1) len(dictionary): Eg: data={100:'Ram', 101:'Suraj', 102:'Alok'} print data print len(data) Output: >>> {100: 'Ram', 101: 'Suraj', 102: 'Alok'} 3 >>> 2) cmp(dictionary1,dictionary2): Explanation: The comparison is done on the basis of key and value. If, dictionary1 == dictionary2, returns 0. dictionary1 < dictionary2, returns -1. dictionary1 > dictionary2, returns 1. Eg: data1={100:'Ram', 101:'Suraj', 102:'Alok'} data2={103:'abc', 104:'xyz', 105:'mno'} data3={'Id':10, 'First':'Aman','Second':'Sharma'} data4={100:'Ram', 101:'Suraj', 102:'Alok'} print cmp(data1,data2) print cmp(data1,data4) print cmp(data3,data2) Output: >>> -1 0 1 >>> 3) str(dictionary): Eg: data1={100:'Ram', 101:'Suraj', 102:'Alok'} print str(data1) Output: >>> {100: 'Ram', 101: 'Suraj', 102: 'Alok'} >>> Methods:1) keys(): Eg: data1={100:'Ram', 101:'Suraj', 102:'Alok'} print data1.keys() Output: >>> [100, 101, 102] >>> 2) values(): Eg: data1={100:'Ram', 101:'Suraj', 102:'Alok'} print data1.values() Output: >>> ['Ram', 'Suraj', 'Alok'] >>> 3) items(): Eg: data1={100:'Ram', 101:'Suraj', 102:'Alok'} print data1.items() Output: >>> [(100, 'Ram'), (101, 'Suraj'), (102, 'Alok')] >>> 4) update(dictionary2): Eg: data1={100:'Ram', 101:'Suraj', 102:'Alok'} data2={103:'Sanjay'} data1.update(data2) print data1 print data2 Output: >>> {100: 'Ram', 101: 'Suraj', 102: 'Alok', 103: 'Sanjay'} {103: 'Sanjay'} >>> 5) clear(): Eg: data1={100:'Ram', 101:'Suraj', 102:'Alok'} print data1 data1.clear() print data1 Output: >>> {100: 'Ram', 101: 'Suraj', 102: 'Alok'} {} >>> 6) fromkeys(sequence)/ fromkeys(seq,value): Eg: sequence=('Id' , 'Number' , 'Email') data={} data1={} data=data.fromkeys(sequence) print data data1=data1.fromkeys(sequence,100) print data1 Output: >>> {'Email': None, 'Id': None, 'Number': None} {'Email': 100, 'Id': 100, 'Number': 100} >>> 7) copy(): Eg: data={'Id':100 , 'Name':'Aakash' , 'Age':23} data1=data.copy() print data1 Output: >>> {'Age': 23, 'Id': 100, 'Name': 'Aakash'} >>> 8) has_key(key): Eg: data={'Id':100 , 'Name':'Aakash' , 'Age':23} print data.has_key('Age') print data.has_key('Email') Output: >>> True False >>> 9) get(key): Eg: data={'Id':100 , 'Name':'Aakash' , 'Age':23} print data.get('Age') print data.get('Email') Output: >>> 23 None >>>
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