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Their vs ThereTheir vs There: There are many differences between Their vs There. A list of differences between Their vs There are given below: The words their and there are homophones and because of this, most people often misuse these words (misplace these words in sentences). In the English language, there are a lot of homophones which create problems for the English learners. These homophones must be pronounced clearly and the user should be aware to use them. There refers a place while "their" refers to belonging to them. For example: We are going to their wedding ceremony. This statement refers to a wedding party that belongs to them. Let's take some examples to specify how to use "their" and "there" in sentences. Examples of their"Their" is used to indicate possession. This is a possessive adjective and indicates that a particular noun belongs to them.
Examples of there1) "There" - To refer a unique place:
2) "There" - To be used with "to be" verbs: "There" can also be used with "to be" verbs ( Is, Am, Are Was, Were). It indicates the existence of something, or to mention something for first time.
Their vs There
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