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What is the full form of AIDSAIDS: Acquired Immune Deficiency SyndromeAIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. Each word can be explained as: Acquired: It means that you can get infected with it. Immune Deficiency: It specifies the weakness of body's immune system. Syndrome: It is group of health problems that make up a disease. AIDS is a disease of human immune system caused by infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The initial symptoms of this disease may be a brief period of influenza like illness. AIDS is a disease which may be continued a prolonged period without any symptoms. As the infection progresses, it interfere more and more with immune system and makes the infected person so weak to get susceptible to common infections like Tuberculosis, tumors and other general infections. The HIV virus attacks on the T-cells in the immune system and makes your body so weak that it can be easily affected by bacteria, virus and fungi. In starting weeks, it can show symptoms like headache, fever, sore joints and muscles etc. AIDS is the extreme condition of this infection. When the infection spread, it attacks on the human immune system making it harder to fight with diseases even normal infections. Reasons of HIV infectionAids can be transmitted from person to person in many ways:
Symptoms of AIDSAids can be transmitted from person to person in many ways:
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