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What is the full form of HTTPHTTP: Hyper Text Transfer protocolHypertext Transfer Protocol is an application protocol used for data communication. It is the base of data communication in World Wide Web. It provides a standard for web browsers that facilitates users to exchange information over internet. HTTP is used by most of the websites to access any file or page. HTTP is a request-response protocol in the client server computing model. It is an application layer protocol designed within the framework of Internet Protocol Suite. What is hypertextA text containing a link within it, is known as hypertext. If you click on a word on a webpage and it redirect you on a new page, it means you have clicked on a hypertext. How HTTP worksWhen you enter a URL in your web browser to access any particular file or page, the protocol fetches information from the server and responses back that requested web page to the client. You need to write http before the address of the page. For example: If you want to access any website like www.javatpoint.com then you write: http://www.javatpoint.com
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