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What is the full form of MBAMBA: Master of Business AdministrationMBA is a postgraduate degree in business administration. This is a very popular postgraduate program for the students who want to make their career in business management. Globalization is also responsible for the popularity of this course. Now a days, there is a great demand for MBA professional in multi-national companies. You must have a graduation degree to take admission in MBA course. HistoryThe MBA degree originated in USA in the late 19th century. The first business school was the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College in USA, founded in 1900. Specialized streams in MBA
Different types of MBA coursesThere are several different types of programs offered by universities in many countries:
MBA dual degree programs: This program combines a MBA with other courses to reduce costs and time of the students. Mini MBA: It is a 100 hour training offered as non-credit bearing courses. It is provided to focus o fundamentals of business.
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